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Update : February 09, 2025

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Scheduler Minimize


Feature Highlights

       Text/Email reminders        Schedule recurring appointments
       View schedule for single or multiple doctors        Add walk-in patients easily
       View schedule for single or multiple days        Check out patients
       Generate receipts for patients        Process miscellaneous purchases
       Customizable Fee Profiles        Generate management reports
       Customizable for your office needs        Easily Reschedule appointments

Text/Email reminders - Staff can setup text or email reminders for the patient so that they automatically receive a reminder for their appointment.

View schedule for single or multiple doctors - Users can view the schedule for one doctor at a time or multiple doctors at a time. It can also be viewed based on different services the office. One service can be viewed or multiple services can be viewed at one time.


View schedule for single or multiple days - Users can view the schedule for one day at a time or multiple days at a time. Single or multiple services can be viewed for single or multiple days.

Schedule recurring appointments - Users can easily create recurring appointments or copy one appointment to other future dates. This makes it easy to schedule a patient for the same time three days a week if needed.

Add walk-in patients easily - Staff can easily create new patient files and add the new patient to the schedule if they did not already have an appointment.

Check out patients - Check out is a breeze. Charges may have already been entered into the system by the doctor, staff just needs to double check and collect a payment from the patient. Payment types associated with different credit cards, cash or check can be chosen as well.

Generate receipts for patients - A receipt can be generated for the day’s visit with information that the user finds useful to the patient. This could include office information, patient information, prices, tax, provider information, billing codes or diagnosis codes.

Process miscellaneous purchases - Purchases can be handled without an appointment, allowing offices to sell products to patients at any time.

Customizable Fee Profiles - Different fee profiles can be created if different prices need to be associated with different types of patients. This might include service prices or product prices.

Customizable for your office needs - Patients come to the office for different reasons depending on the types of services that are provided. Visit reasons can be created in the scheduler with different colors to see at a glance services that are being provided during specific times.

Generate management reports - Reports can be generated so the user can view statistical information regarding their practice. Appointment statistics such as new patient appointments, cancelled appointments, completed appointments, and missed appointments can be consolidated into printable reports. Balance reports can also be generated to keep track of payment information. If the office is using the patient signature feature, a report can be generated to show all  the patients signatures for the day or for an individual patient.

Easily Reschedule appointments - Appointments can easily be moved to different, days, timeslots or providers.